
Teeth bonding & Filling in Manhattan, NY

Enhance your smile with bonding and white fillings, seamlessly repairing chipped, cracked, or decayed teeth for a natural-looking, flawless appearance.

dental bonding new york

Are your teeth chipped or discolored? Dental bonding and white fillings may be what you need to restore your teeth to their natural shape and color. Dental bonding is performed to change the shape and color of teeth, close the gap between two adjacent teeth, increase the length of teeth, and to change the shape and color of teeth. White filling, also called composite resin, is a mixture of glass and plastic that is used to restore decayed teeth and to change the shape and color of teeth.

Uses of Dental Bonding

Uses of Dental Bonding and White Fillings

You may need to use teeth bonding and white fillings to:

  • Repair a decayed tooth. White fillings are used to fill in cavities.
  • Repair cracked or chipped teeth.
  • Restore the natural colors of stained or discolored teeth.
  • Close the gap between two adjacent teeth.
  • Change the shape of teeth.
  • Protect the parts of the root that have been exposed by a receding gumline.

Experience cutting-edge dental care in the New York city.

Dental Bonding Procedure

Dental bonding doesn’t require much preparation and anesthesia is not needed in most cases.  At Maiden Lane Dental the procedure begins with the selection of a composite resin (white filling) that matches the color of your teeth. There are two types of dental bonding procedures: direct composite bonding and adhesive bonding.

  • Adhesive bonding: This method is commonly used for teeth with a dental crown, bridges, porcelain veneers, and inlays and onlays. After we choose a color that matches your teeth’s color, we than roughen the surface of the tooth by applying a mild phosphoric acid solution. After removing the roughing agent a liquid bonding agent is applied. Then the composite resin is applied to the tooth. It is molded and smoothened until the desired shape is achieved. After that, an ultraviolet curing light is used to harden the filling. The procedure will be finalized by polishing the tooth until it matches the surface of the rest of the teeth.
  • Direct composite bonding: In this method, we apply composite resin directly inside cavities (to fill them), in the gap between the teeth, in cracks and chips, and on worn-down edges of teeth. We may also apply the composite resin on the surface of teeth in a procedure called a minimally invasive smile makeover. Dental bonding is also called direct composite veneers in the world of dentistry.

The Pros of Dental Bonding

  • It is affordable: Dental bonding is one of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry procedures. Unless it needs to be done on multiple teeth, it can be done in one visit.
  • It does not require the removal of teeth enamel: Unlike crowns and veneers, the dental bonding procedure does not require teeth enamel to be removed.
  • It does not require anesthesia: In most cases, dental bonding is painless and does not require any anesthesia.

Dental bonding is an affordable, quick, and easy solution to chipped, discolored, and misshapen teeth. The bonded teeth can look great and requires the same care as natural teeth.

Are you looking to restore the look of your teeth? Contact Maiden Lane Dental today by phone at 212-509-4585 or use our contact form to get started.

Dental Bonding Procedure

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